Friday, July 2, 2010


I just realized that I never posted this -- it's been sitting in 'draft status' -- Oops!

Cassidy loves to dance. I think we must play 'dance party' at least once a day. It's a family affair. Dance party in the morning, Dance party after lunch, Dance party at night.

One day Cassidy told me that she wanted to go to Ballet class. So, like any good mom who spoils their child -- that's exactly what I did.

Here are some photos that my mom took. The photos look a little hazy because she had to shoot them through a window.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Real Boys. . .

Wear Dora hats. . .

This is how Gavin rolls. . .

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Finally. . . I figured out how to log back into my Blogger account. Somehow things got a little confused,

The good news is that we're back up and running. I'm going to have my mom post some pictures from the last 4 months -- so there'll be plenty to look at!

Here's a little about the kids. . .


does not stop talking. ever.
loves her brother.
doesn't really like to eat.
loves to dance.
loves candy and milk.
talks a lot.
loves Disney movies.
colored her carpet with a purple marker - F.U.N.
major daddy's girl.
loves her friend Tommy
knows how to use an Iphone to make calls and play games.
Did I mention that Cassidy talks non-stop.

Happy, happy baby -- err. . should I say big boy!
loves his sister.
loves to eat. I mean LOVES to eat.
he follows one step commands.
wakes up smiling - every morning!
he can tell you where his nose, ears and belly button are.
he LOVES motorcycles and balls.
he says mama, dada and car.
momma's boy, for sure.
antagonizes Callie and Sid whenever possible
likes to eat dog food -- yum!

I cut my schedule down to three days a week at work, I typically work Wednesday, Friday and Saturday OR Sunday. I love being at home more. It seems as if we're busier now than when I was working nearly full time. I go to a MOPS group on Mondays, lots of play dates and lunches. We've been to the San Diego Zoo and are planning trips to the Wild Animal Park and Disneyland.

Zach is busy as ever. Great team this year! Pro Circuit just won their 2nd Supercross Championship over the weekend. Christophe Pourcel won the East Coast Championship and Jake Weimer won the West Coast Championship. This past weekend they were in Salt Lake City where it actually snowed. Next week is Las Vegas for the race and year end banquet.

I'll be leaving on Saturday evening to fly to Vegas and meet up with my Hubby. I won't be going to the race but a hotel room, room service and a movie sound wonderful to me. Sunday, we'll float in the lazy river at the MGM hotel, have a few beverages and then on to the banquet.

Here are a few of my favorite photos.

Loves to wear his bicycle helmet.

Sitting on Cassidy's bike. He LOVES anything with wheels!

I'm a little worried about how comfortable
she looks in this pose!

Cassidy loves being outside.

in the dirt - is best!

See that little 'snarl' over Gav's left eye? Looks just like his daddy's!

My blue eyed boy.

My sweet girl (most of the time).

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I can't believe it's over! It seems like the month of December flew by! It was a whirlwind!

We were super busy all month. . . This is the home stretch for Zach's team. His first race is January 9th. . . so December is typically filled with 12 hour days. Although, this has been the best 'off' season we've had so far. For me, working retail -- Christmastime is just nuts -- so I was working a ton as well.

Our Gavin turned one on December 16. That year went by quick!! We had a small party at home with my mom.

We also had an opportunity to serve at our church this month. St. Johns serves a breakfast and gives away lots of goodies to the homeless and less fortunate. My mom has done this the last 3 or 4 years and we finally got to help this year. WOW!!! Is all I can say. It was an honor to be able to be a part of Project 23 this year. We hope to be a part of it for many years to come. Taking part in Project 23 really puts things into perspective.

Christmas Eve we went to my mom's. My brother and his family were there too -- we had dinner, opened gifts and went to church. It was a great night and ended way too soon. My mom has some great photos on my mom's blog.

Christmas morning was so much fun. Having kids puts a whole new spin on Christmas morning. Cassidy was an absolute blast. Gavin, like most 1 year olds enjoyed the wrapping paper and bows more than anything!

Zach's Dad and Step-mom came by on Christmas Day. It was great visiting with them. Cassidy LOVED having her Papa to play with. She put poor Mike through the wringer. If you know Cassidy, you know that she's a little bossy (not sure where she gets that trait). She had Mike and Lori laying on the ground covered with blankets so she could read them a book. It was hysterical!

Thanks, Mike & Lori for being good sports. Cassidy is still talking about your visit.

Cassidy loved opening presents but did get bored after awhile.

My man!

My angels.

Christmas morning craziness!

Cassidy giving Papa & Gramma Lori a concert with her new Barbie guitar.

Playing Chutes & Ladders

That's Lori under the quilt. Cassidy is making sure they are asleep!
Reading to Papa.

My family

Me and my hubby!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thanksgiving Night. . .

Our Thanksgiving Day post is up over at my mom's blog .

I had to work Thanksgiving evening. My mom took these photos while I was away.

Zach & Cassidy messing with the TV and surround sound.
Now Gavin wants in on the action. Looks scary to me!

Gavin 'reading' the Black Friday ads

He thinks he's soooo funny!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Peanut Butter & Honey

Cassidy is getting so darn big! She's VERY independent and wants to do everything . . .
all by herself!

Contemplating the ratio of PB & Honey

The perfect Peanut Butter and Honey Sammy!

Very proud of her talents.

Ya gotta lick your hands, right?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Brother and Sister Love!!