Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Family/Newborn Pictures

Here are a few family/newborn pictures we had taken.. Cassidy wasn't all that photogenic. She wasn't feeling to good that day. Hope you all enjoy them!!!

Christmas Pictures

Monday, December 18, 2006

Cassidy trying to sleep!!!

Cassidy is wanting to sleep, but daddy just got home from work and wants to play. I think Daddy finally got her up in the end!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bath Time

Cassidy loves her bath time, and her mornings!!! Her daddy woke her up this morning and she was happy as could be to see her daddy's face!!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Our little sleeper!!!

Zach and I would like to announce that our little princess slept all night for the first time last night!!! At 6 weeks!! I think I was more excited about it then Zach. Hopefully we can continue to keep her on this schedule. Wish us luck we will need it!!!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Few Extra Pictures

Friday, December 8, 2006

Good Morning!!!

Cassidy had her 2nd doctor's appointment yesterday. Not much really happened because she is 6 weeks and at 8 weeks she will get shots. So we will go back in 2 weeks and get all of her shots. I'm not looking forward to that appointment. The pictures above are from this morning apparently her dad thought she was ready for another photo shoot. She doesn't look to into it!!!!

Thursday, December 7, 2006

A Few Extra Pictures!!!

Here are a few pictures from daddy's many photo shoots!!!

Cassidy and her Cousins

Cassidy hanging out with her cousins Lauren and Braydon at there Grammie's house!!!!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Zach and Cassidy's Baptism Nov. 19, 2006

Our first family photo at Zach and Cassidy's Baptism Nov. 19. It was such an awesome day. Our family from up north came down to share this special day with us!!

Cassidy's 1st Christmas Party

Cassidy all ready to go to her first Christmas party at the Mission Inn. She didn't last very long!!! She is zonked out on her daddy's lap!!!

Good Morning!!!!

Little Cassidy Jane just waking up in the morning. She loves her mornings!!! Of course she is staring at her daddy who loves taking pictures of her!!!

1st Doctor's Appointment

Cassidy at 4 days old ready to go on her first outing to the doctors. She did so well!!!

Welcome Everyone!!!

Welcome to Cassidy's website. This will help Zach and I keep all our friends and family updated on her. She is growing like a weed and Zach and I are amazed by her everyday. Visit often as we will be posting picture as she grows.