Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Phoenix Supercross

She can sit up in her stroller. She is looking at her new toy bar not sure what to think of it yet!! She is not to interested about the race!!!
Gotta love the bubbles!!!

Cassidy loves to be at the races!!! This was her first road trip to Phoenix!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Cassidy at her best!!!

I had to post this picture. It's one of my new favorite pictures. This is Cassidy at her best!!! She loves just being in her diaper hanging out on the couch, with Sid of course!!!! Look how long she is (all 24 inches of her)!!

Cassidy watching Football

Look at those chubby cheeks!!!
Look at my dimple!!!

Cassidy watching football with Daddy

Monday, January 1, 2007

A Few Extra Pictures!!!

Gotta love the blue eyes!!
Cassidy is finally getting this smiling thing down

Danielle who is expecting her 1st baby in May, and Cassidy at breakfast. Cassidy can't wait for another new friend.

I love this face

Ready to go shopping with her Mommy..

Hanging out with Daddy New Year's Eve

And they are both out in no time!!
Daddy and Cassidy hanging out!!!

Where's Cassidy?!!!

Christmas Time!!!

Daddy and Grandma Rita's Gingerbread masterpiece!!!
Mommy, Cassidy and her Great Grandma Clara

A sleep with her cousins Lauren and Braydon

Cassidy had a wonderful 1st Christmas. She got to spend it with her Grammie, Grandma Rita, and her Great Grandma. She slept through most of it along with her cousin Braydon.