Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Just another quick update!!! Cassidy got another tooth!!! I have been trying to get a picture of her teeth, but she just isn't having it. So hopefully I will have something posted soon!! Below are so pictures from our weekend in Vegas. Which we had such a great time!!!

Cassidy is such a great traveler!! That we are leaving again this weekend to watch Daddy's first outdoor race of the season and to visit family up north. Wish us luck this is Cassidy's longest road trip yet!!!

Las Vegas Banquet

I love my DADDY!!!
Cassidy all dressed up for her first Vegas Banquet!!!

Pool Party in Vegas!!!!

Off to the pool we go!!!
Just arriving at the pool
Splish Splash!!! Cassidy loves the water!!!!

Giving Grammie kisses!!!

Family photo at the pool!!!

Kisses for Mommy!!

I'm gonna get that camera!!!!

I'm a monkey!!

Friday, May 4, 2007


Hi Everyone--

I just wanted to send a little message letting everyone know that Cassidy finally got her first tooth!! We are so excited!!!! She went to the doctor's on Tuesday for her 6 month check up and she is 18 pounds and 26 1/2 inches long, and is in the 75th percentile for everything. She is a healthy girl!!! Although the doctor did notice that Cassidy is holding head a little to the left causing her left neck muscles to not stretch out. So Cassidy will start working with a physical therapist next week to start stretching her neck, along with Zach and I working with her at home she should be fixed in no time!!! Cassidy is growing up so fast Zach and I can hardly believe it. Cassidy already shows major favoritism towards her Daddy!! She will be a Daddy's girl!!

Well, the White family is off to Vegas for the weekend to watch Zach's last Supercross of the season. Zach's team already won 2 championships this season. We are sooooo proud of him!!!! I will post some new pictures when we return!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My Favorite!!!

This is my favorite..She fell a sleep watching me get ready. I must be pretty boring!!!

Long over due!!!

I want out!!!

Watching Daddy BBQ

Having fun in the excersaucer!!!!

She thinks she is funny!!! We are still trying to just get food in the mouth!!!

I'm sooo BIG!!!
I'm going to get you!!!!

Out of all her toys she plays with her binky!!!

She loves her ducky!!!

Long over due!!

Cassidy is eating solids, but she is a bit of a mess!!!
My favorite picture!!

My Mom is CRAZY!!

Cassidy watching Daddy wash his truck!!!

Daddy loves reading to Cassidy!! Thanks Aunt Nancy for the books!!