Monday, August 20, 2007

Cassidy feeds herself!!!

This is the way Cassidy likes to eat
She waves now!!!

She has to get every drop!!

Still trying!

She is a monster

Hi Grammie!!


Enough Grammie!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Hi Everyone-

Well yesterday (Aug.7) Cassidy had her nine month check up. I can't believe she is already nine months! Cassidy is now 28 inches long and 22.5 pounds. The Dr.'s said she is in the 75th percentile in everything. She final broke one of her top teeth which brings her total to 3 teeth, and she is working on the other top tooth. She is crawling like crazy and into everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!!! She is like a tornado she leaves a path of destruction where ever she goes! She defiantly is keeping Zach and I on our toes. She is such a happy and fun loving little girl we can't get enough of her. Zach and I are so blessed to have her. She brings so much joy to our life!!!

Below I have posted some new pictures from over the weekend!! Cassidy's best friend Mia turned 1. Zach and Cassidy had a blast in the pool, and the ball pit!! You will notice that Cassidy doesn't have a swim suit on. Not because she doesn't have one, but because the little chubby thing grew out of it so fast!! So needless to say Little Swimmers to the rescue!! I hope you enjoy the pictures!!

Zach, Sarah, and Cassidy

Birthday Fun!!

Ha Ha I got Daddy's ear!!!

Hi Mommy!!

She had so much fun in that turtle!!!

So into detail just like her Daddy!

Kisses later Daddy

OK maybe now!

Having too much fun!

Check out the teeth!!


She loved this ball pit as well!

What are you looking at??