Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cassidy Update

Hi Everyone-
Sorry for such a long delay in getting pictures posted. I really have no excuse and I'm not even going to try to make one up. I hope you enjoy her Christmas pictures and her videos. The top video was actually taken tonight (sorry I couldn't figure out how to turn it) and the other one was taken awhile ago, but I thought it was funny and that you would enjoy it.

Cassidy is growing up quickly!!! Zach and I have enjoyed every minute with her. She is such joy and a blessing to us. She is running (literally) everywhere now and starting to say a few words. Her favorite word is Daddy -- of course, and her other favorite word is "Hi!" She says "Hi" to everyone and anyone. She especially likes to greet people as she walks into a store or restaurant. She is definitely not shy. Cassidy takes after her mommy in her social abilities -- that's for sure!! She is into everything and keeps Zach and I on our toes at all times. We hope you all enjoy!!

Zach, Sarah, & Cassidy

Cassidy's Body Parts

Christmas and Christmas Eve..

An Angel!!!
Her favorite chair at Grammie's
Opening presents!!! I think I'm more excited then she is!!
Passing out gifts. Santa's little helper
Braydon, and Uncle Rick
Love this face!!

Laughing at Grammie!
Her faces kill me!!
Family photo
I had to put this picture in. He has the cutest smile!!!

Make-up brushes are her favorite!!
Such a girlie girl!!
In awe over her slide..
Making Christmas breakfast for us.