Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Well today officially marks Cassidy's 18month birthday!!!! Where does the time go?? We have been so blessed to have a happy, healthy, fun-loving little girl, and we are enjoying every minute with her. She is learning a new word about every week now, and tries really hard to mimic everything you say. She is still a major Daddy's and is now starting to take interest in motorcycles!!!

Last week I had her at her 18 month check up, and I'm happy to report that she is a healthy little girl. Although the doctor is a little concerned that she has not gained any weight since her 12 month check up. Which is pretty abnormal so I have to take her back in 3 months to get her weighed and measured again. She has grown 2 inches since January. I think she might be tall like her Daddy!!

I will continue to keep you all updated on Cassidy's latest and greatest achievements!! Hope you all enjoy the new pictures!!!

Zach, Sarah & Cassidy

Family Pool Time!!!

Mommy and Cass!!
This is how she gets out of the pool! Climb on Daddy.
Cass and Daddy got in a water fight
Cassidy loved it!!!
She got Daddy good!!!

Kisses for Daddy!!!
Doing Daddy's hair!
Family Photo!

All ready for the pool!
My new favorite picture!

Pool water taste yummy!!

Cassidy's New Car!!!

Watch out everyone!!!
Cutest driver in town!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cassidy Reading

Cassidy loves to read!!
She says "dog" now. So this is her favorite book!!
Yes..She kisses every dog on every page!!!

Playing in her pool!!

Cassidy decided that she would go in the pool with clothes on!!
Who needs a bathing suit???
Kisses anyone!!!

Baking time!!!

Mommy made brownies with the help of Cassidy!!!So up set that we are done!
Licking the spoon!!!

So good!!!

Cassidy hanging out!!

I love this..She thought she was so funny!!
She can almost open the door!!!!
Deciding the landscape for the backyard!!
In deep thought over this
This is hard work!!!

She needs a break to much work!!!

Easter at Grammie's

Cassidy got a new bathing suit from Grammie!!! So of course we had to model it for everyone!!!

Opening her Easter Basket from Mommy and Daddy!! Gotta love the morning hair!!!
Kisses for Braydon!!
A cuddle!!
Another kiss
And last..Putting make-up on him!!!
Modeling again!!!