Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's been awhile since Sarah has updated Cassidy's blog -- so Grammie decided to help out a bit.  

The White Family has been busy! 

Summertime is Zach's busy racing season!  His team is doing well despite a few injuries to his riders.   With a little luck (and of course their hard work and preparation) his team should wrap their 23rd championship in a few weeks.    

Sarah was recently promoted at Albertson's and is working entirely too much  -- hopefully, in the coming weeks she'll cut her hours some.  Her belly is starting to pop out and you can almost tell she's pregnant.   

Miss Cassidy Jane is cuter than cute and testing her mom and dad every day!  She has the words "no" and "mine" down pat.   Her vocabulary seems to grow just about every day now (although she still can't say Grammie). She plays with Callie and Sid and is trying very hard to 'ride' them.  If the dogs make it to HER 2nd birthday, I'll be amazed!  Cassidy loves to dance, read books, play in her room and ride her bike and her car.  

Cassidy started swim lessons a few weeks ago.   She loves the water - although is not to keen on being 'dunked'.   

Last Thursday (7/31), Zach, Sarah & Cassidy visited the Dr's office for Sarah's ultrasound.  The original plan was not to find out the sex of the baby -- they were going to find out the 'old-fashioned' way.   Well. . .  didn't really work out that way.  They got to the office and still couldn't decide if they wanted to know or not  - - the Ultrasound Tech put the answer in a sealed envelope.   During the drive back to the shop, the discussed, pondered, Sarah pleaded and . . . . it's a BOY! 

Following are a few pictures from our trip to Mammoth and a few others to bring you up to date . .  Enjoy!

Cassidy LOVED being at the lake! 

Telling Lauren how to catch the "big one".

Cass was getting a little bit restless.   
This was the only thing we could find to keep her busy -- 
Peanut Butter  -- worked like a charm!

Headin' back to the car. 


Cassidy and Lauren in Mammoth.   
Cassidy was Lauren's shadow all weekend long! 

Mommy & Cassidy at Lake Ellery.  
We went to a new lake this year.  Had a great time -- so  beautiful there. 

"Daddy, Let's go fishin'!"

Daddy & Cassidy fishin'. . . 

Cassidy playing dress up! Mommy's scarf, Grammie's shoes. 
Gotta get rid of the binky!

Pretty Girl! 

Love the dimple!

Sitting on Grammie's porch. 
Cassidy was really excited to go on the Merry Go Round -- until it started.
I think we made one rotation before she was done. 

Cassidy and her cousins - Lauren & Brayden.
Cassidy with her Uncle Rick and cousin Brayden at Lauren's soccer game.
Cassidy, Brayden & Lo at Hart Park.

Cassidy riding the horse at the park.