Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cassidy and Daddy riding there "boom boom's"

Cassidy baking brownies for her Daddy!!!

Licking the spoon is a must!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hello All! 

Bammie here,  Sarah put up a few pics earlier this week.  I thought that I'd put up a few more and give you a quick up date on the White family. 

Cassidy is pretty darn cute!   I know that we are all a bit biased but really truly she is cute!  Smart too. . .  New words every day.  She's starting to string words together.  My guess is that by the time her brother gets here she'll be really talking!   At Cassidy's 2 year Dr's visit, he gave her two thumbs up!  She's in the 90th percentile in height and 75th percentile in weight.   

Cassidy's big news is that she now sleeps in a big girl bed!   One morning this week as Zach was getting ready for work (Sarah had an early shift at the store) he heard a thump and whimper come from the baby monitor.  Upon entering Cassidy's room -- there she was standing at the door!  Yes, she climbed out of her crib.  So, daddy made the crib into a toddler bed right then and there -- with Cassidy's help of course.  So far, so good.  She's sleeping through the night and loves her big girl bed!   

Zach is doing well -- Busy, busy, busy at work.  New bikes, 3 new riders, new mechanic and new truck driver.   Lots of testing.  Zach also got his dual sport bike up and running and passed his motorcycle test.  He's ridden his bike to work a few times and enjoys it.    Not always easy to take the bike since he is Mr. Mom in the morning.  Sarah has been doing the books at the store so usually leaves for work by 6am -- which leaves Zach to handle all of Cassidy's morning duties -- bath, breakfast and getting ready for the sitter's. 

Sarah's had a go of it the last week or so.   Last Thursday (11/13), Zach took Sarah to the hospital due to some major back pain she was having.  Once there, they hooked her up to all of the baby monitoring equipment -- they monitored Gavin for about 2 hours to be sure he was OK.  Which, thankfully he was.   Next was trying to figure out what was causing the pain. . . several hours and an ultrasound later -- it was discovered that she had kidney stones!  The Urologist told Sarah that his worst consult was a pregnant woman with kidney stones -- not much he can do to help other than try to manage the pain.   Sarah was in the hospital Thursday and Friday.  She's feeling better now and plans on working through the end of the month.   

Sarah is due January 1, but swears that Gavin will be here before then.   Keeping our fingers crossed. 

Zach taking a drink from the Chamberlain Trophy.  Zach was on the Motocross Des Nations team  this year -- 4th year in a row.  Team USA won again -- a hard fought win.  It is a HUGE honor to be part of this team! We are all very proud of Zach!

Cassidy & Zach playing in Rick & Ev's pool.

Cassidy & Zach on the Merry Go Round.  

Cassidy & Sarah at the beach.  Cassidy DID NOT like the sand!

Mama and her girl! 

Cassidy at her cousin Braydon's 2nd birthday party.  Cassidy L O V E S frosting!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Daddy enjoyed himself at the party!!!

Playing with rocks. Her favorite!!!!

The best cake ever!!! Thanks Aunt Cheri!!!

Opening presents

Thanks Auntie Jo Jo and Uncle Aaron for my new scarf and beanie!!!
Bammie got her a new Barbie!!!

Cassidy's new bike!!!

Cassidy's new helmet