Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Weekend!

We've had such a great weekend! 

This was Zach's first weekend off since January 3!  It was so awesome to have him home.  He did lots of "honey-do's" on Saturday.   I'll be sure to have another list for him to complete in May on his next weekend off. 

We were up early this morning to get everyone bathed and dressed for church.   We were meeting my mom, brother and his family for 9:30 church.  The church was packed!  I actually didn't even get to attend church.  Cassidy's Sunday School teacher was by herself this morning when I dropped Cass off and she had about 20 kids.  Half of whom were crying.  I couldn't leave her!   I had a great morning! 

After church, we went to my mom's for brunch.  We actually ended up spending the entire day there.  We all had a great time.    The Easter Bunny stopped by and left baskets for Cassidy and Gavin.  Which is a good thing since Cassidy found her Easter basket from the bunny on Friday morning - and - I didn't have time to fill a new one! 

We also had an Easter egg hunt.  Cassidy was pretty cute.   She was very determined to find the Easter Bunny.  She stood on my mom's porch and yelled, "Easter Bunny, where are you?" for the longest time.  My mom took her on a hunt to find the Easter Bunny -- no luck.  Cassidy and Zach went on a bike ride looking for the Easter Bunny -- they couldn't find him either.   Cassidy finally decided he was tired and went home.  Whew! 

Here are some photos from the day. 

Blowing bubbles

My guys!

Hunting for the eggs

Going for a bike ride. 
Safety first!

Let's go daddy. 
Zach and Cassidy must have ridden around the block 20 times! 

Me & my girl. 

Cassidy riding her bike.  She can REALLY ride her bike all by herself. 
Zach's thinking of taking the training wheels off soon.  I say, NO WAY! 

Most of the photos we got of Gavin today - 
he had his fingers in his mouth!

Cassidy wanted no part of being in this photo. 

Love this photo of my little man. 

A little laugh. 

Playing with mommy.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Random Photos

Our handsome boy.  Gavin is getting so big -- almost 4 months and 17#

Almost a smile

Cass and Gavin in Gavin's crib.

Takin' a break from ridin' the Dora board.  She need some nourishment.

Scopin' out her next move.

Lickin' the spoon.  Cassidy's favorite part of baking.  
Well, lickin' the spoon and crackin' the eggs. 

Double fisted lickin'

Gotta get the hands too. Don't want to miss a drop!

I'm done, Momma!

Gavin after getting a 'kissie' from Cassidy.

Gavin and I playing.

His smile melts my heart!