Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Where in the world does time go? The summer has come and gone so fast, and I have been the worst blogger ever. I can't believe it's been a month since I have updated. Well, there has been a lot going on in our house. Here is the run down!!

Zach's team has been doing awesome. They are tied in points for the Chamionship with only 4 races left. His team just finished the X-Games --  it was the first year they participated and the they won!! Very exciting for both Zach and the team. The race season has taken a break so no traveling for the past 3 weeks. The kids and I are thoroughly enjoying having him home!! He has enjoyed working on and riding his dual sport and getting some good rides. 

Zach and I feel so blessed to have to incredibly great kids.  Our evenings are sometimes hectic -- dinner, baths, laundry, getting ready for the next day, etc.   It seems we always have time for one of Cassidy's favorite things --- Dancing!   She LOVES to dance!   She has particular music that she likes and honestly she could dance for hours.  Zach and I take turns dancing with her and Gavin watches and laughs.  

Cassidy, where do I start with her!! She is offically potty trained and I'm so excited! That was a hurdle I have been trying to get over for awhile now and she did it. She also is starting school on Sept. 1 and she can not wait! She asks to so to school every morning!! She is absolutely in LOVE with Gavin. She plays, feeds and dances for him all day. She loves to play Mom to him!!

Gavin is plain and simply a TANK!! His last check up he was 22 pounds at 6 months!! Cassidy is only 29 pounds!! Its crazy how he can eat!! He now has 6 teeth and eats everything!!! He adores his sister and can not get enough of her!!!

And as for myself I'm working and trying to keep up with this crazy family

Here are a few photos from our weekend trip to Sea World.  We had an awesome time and can't wait to go back again.