Monday, September 21, 2009

Recent Photos

Life is busy here in Corona!   

Few highlights. . . 

Cassidy started school and LOVES it! 

Gavin is growing like a weed  - 95th percentile in height & weight and he has 8 teeth @ 9 months old!

Zach leaves for Italy next weekend - for a week.  Not sure how I'm going to survive without him.  It's a great opportunity for Zach and his team. I know he'll have a great time. 

I'm busy as ever trying to be the best mom and wife I can be -- totally loving my life.  I'm a lucky girl. 

Lovin' on my girl.

Cassidy's first day of Pre-School.

Love this photo.  She looks a little apprehensive but actually she was VERY excited!

Ready to go!

There was a fire a couple blocks from our house a few weeks ago.  Pretty scary.
I thought the fence was wood -- who knew?

My Uncle Kevin and the kids. 

Most Daddy's stand next to their daughters on the Merry-go-Round.  
Not Cassidy's Daddy!  
He went riding with her.   
Cassidy had so much fun -- yelling "Yee Haw" at the top of her lungs.  

Uncle Kevin & Cass on Sunday Funday at Ricky & Evie's.

Uncle Kevin throwing Cass to the clouds. 

Cassidy and her cousin Braydon.  Too cute.