Friday, October 2, 2009


Cassidy absolutely LOVES pre-school.   She goes three days a week and enjoys it so much. She loves everything about it  -- her friends, Miss Robyn, singing and as she says learning about Jesus and God.   Too cute!

I picked her up from school on Tuesday and asked her how her day was. . . Here is our conversation in a nutshell. 

Me:  Cass, How was your day? 
Cass:  I kissed Travis. 
Me: What??  You kissed Travis?  Cassidy,  Why did you kiss Travis? 
Cass:  He told me that I was cute, so I kissed him.  He's my friend, mommy. 
Me:  Heaven help me! 

Zach is in Italy this week so I wasn't able to share this news with him for a few hours.   Cassidy eventually was able to tell him about her day.  When she got off of the phone with him she looked at me and said, "Mommy, Daddy says no more kissing boys at school!".   Oh Lord, what are we in for. 

I spoke with Miss Robyn later in the week and she did confirm that Cassidy and Travis are like two peas in a pod.  

I'm not sure if this is cute or scary? 

One thing for sure, being a mom is never, ever boring.