Friday, November 20, 2009

Brother and Sister Love!!

Mommy & Cassidy!!!

I Love Sundays!

Here are some photos from a few Sundays ago.

These photos were taken in the church parking lot. . .

Gavin looks SO big!

Eventually, I am going to get a photo of everyone looking at the camera at the same time!

After church, we went for a bagel and then for a short walk through Old Towne. Zach found this magnifying glass for Cassidy. She was then on search for bugs!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Funny Faces!!!

I love my kids. I love their personalities, I love their goofiness and I love to hear them giggle.

While being a mom is sometimes a challenge, these are the moments that make it all worth it!

Mr. Happiness!

"Hey, Get me outta here, will ya!"

My mom thinks this looks like me -- I don't see the resemblance. Do you?

Funny girl!

OH MY GOSH!!! I am in L.O.V.E!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Cassidy doing Daddy's Hair

Genn Hass, watch out, sister. There's a new girl in town!

Cassidy loves playing with her Dora vanity set.

Flat ironing Daddy's hair.

"This is the way you do it, Mom".

Zach gets extra bonus points for bein' such a good Daddy!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Treats in the Streets!

Treats in the Street in Old Towne Orange has become a tradition in our family. This year was no different. We all gathered at my mom's -- Cassidy, Gavin and I, Rick, Ev, Lo and Braydon -- this year our friend Kristen and her twin boys, Ty and Tanner joined us. There were six kids - 5 under the age of 3 in my mom's tiny house - noisy, crazy and tons of fun!

Our favorite skunks, Ty and Tanner and my favorite angel, Cassidy!

'Please can I eat this candy, mommy?"

Our angel girl

and. . . our little devil!

Leaving Mom's on the way to Treats in the Streets~!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pumpkin Patch!!

Finally. . . I've found a few minutes to blog. Our life is crazy is all I can say.

I've been trying for weeks to get the kids in for pictures but between work, school and illness (seems like someone always has the sniffles) it's been near impossible.

I decided to take a quick trip to the pumpkin patch one weekday morning. Below are the photos.

Cassidy, our B.I.G. girl!

Gavin eating a pumpkin.

Hmmm. . . Mr. Happiness?!?

Cassidy telling Gavin how to pick the best pumpkin.

My sweet blue-eyed boy.

Out of ALL of the pumpkins in the pumpkin patch. This is the one that Cassidy wanted.

Gotta love those dimples. YUMMY!