Sunday, May 2, 2010


Finally. . . I figured out how to log back into my Blogger account. Somehow things got a little confused,

The good news is that we're back up and running. I'm going to have my mom post some pictures from the last 4 months -- so there'll be plenty to look at!

Here's a little about the kids. . .


does not stop talking. ever.
loves her brother.
doesn't really like to eat.
loves to dance.
loves candy and milk.
talks a lot.
loves Disney movies.
colored her carpet with a purple marker - F.U.N.
major daddy's girl.
loves her friend Tommy
knows how to use an Iphone to make calls and play games.
Did I mention that Cassidy talks non-stop.

Happy, happy baby -- err. . should I say big boy!
loves his sister.
loves to eat. I mean LOVES to eat.
he follows one step commands.
wakes up smiling - every morning!
he can tell you where his nose, ears and belly button are.
he LOVES motorcycles and balls.
he says mama, dada and car.
momma's boy, for sure.
antagonizes Callie and Sid whenever possible
likes to eat dog food -- yum!

I cut my schedule down to three days a week at work, I typically work Wednesday, Friday and Saturday OR Sunday. I love being at home more. It seems as if we're busier now than when I was working nearly full time. I go to a MOPS group on Mondays, lots of play dates and lunches. We've been to the San Diego Zoo and are planning trips to the Wild Animal Park and Disneyland.

Zach is busy as ever. Great team this year! Pro Circuit just won their 2nd Supercross Championship over the weekend. Christophe Pourcel won the East Coast Championship and Jake Weimer won the West Coast Championship. This past weekend they were in Salt Lake City where it actually snowed. Next week is Las Vegas for the race and year end banquet.

I'll be leaving on Saturday evening to fly to Vegas and meet up with my Hubby. I won't be going to the race but a hotel room, room service and a movie sound wonderful to me. Sunday, we'll float in the lazy river at the MGM hotel, have a few beverages and then on to the banquet.

Here are a few of my favorite photos.

Loves to wear his bicycle helmet.

Sitting on Cassidy's bike. He LOVES anything with wheels!

I'm a little worried about how comfortable
she looks in this pose!

Cassidy loves being outside.

in the dirt - is best!

See that little 'snarl' over Gav's left eye? Looks just like his daddy's!

My blue eyed boy.

My sweet girl (most of the time).