Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hi Everyone--
Sorry for the delay in getting new pictures up. We have had a pretty busy month. Cassidy has cut yet another new tooth. So she now has 5 teeth in all. She is getting to be so much fun! She isn't quite walking yet, but her Grammie bought her some new walking shoes and she does really well with them. So I'm hoping by her birthday she will be walking. Her newest thing is pointing at everything! It's way too cute!! She will point at something and then yell, like she is trying to tell you something, but she just can't get it out.

Last weekend was Zach's last race of the season, so I took Cassidy out to Glen Helen to watch Daddy win another Championship!! She was very proud of her Daddy!! Cassidy had a great day and played so well in her new wagon! If only I would have remembered the camera to take some pictures! But there will be many more races to attend. During the Championship speech all Cassidy did was kiss her Daddy!! It was the cutest thing ever. I'm not sure Zach paid one bit of attention to what was being said. He had the cutest girl in the pit area kissing him!!

Hope you enjoy Cassidy's new pictures. We are sure enjoying her! It's a new adventure everyday! We are so excited for her birthday which is right around the corner. We can't believe it's almost been a year already!! What a great year it has been!!

Zach, Sarah & Cassidy