Friday, December 5, 2008


I'm adding a few pics for Zach & Sarah.  Their computer monitor broke on Thanksgiving and they've not had a chance to get a new one. 

Zach's working a ton -- getting ready for January 3rd -- first race!  Everything seems to be going well and we are sure the bikes are gonna be FAST!!! 

Sarah went out on disability this past Tuesday.  She's been busy 'getting ready'.  I've got to hand it to her.  She's got all of her Christmas shopping done, wrapped, stored in bags and ready to go. She's stressing about having the baby on Christmas day.  When she saw the Dr. on Monday, he said maybe 2-3 weeks.   I try to remind her that she really has no control over when he comes.  We'll be ready and waiting to love on him.

Cassidy is continuing to increase her vocabulary.  Seems like every time I see her she's saying something new.  She's really starting to string words together and will try to say anything you ask her to.   

Cassidy at Church.

Telling Mommy & Daddy "Bye" as they go to church.

Too Cute!

Cassidy & Zach hanging Christmas lights.  
I heard it was an all day project!

A pink tree, absolutely. 
This will eventually go into Cassidy's room.


Kris said...

Good luck with your delivery, that I know is coming very soon.
Please thank your Mom for her lovely words regarding your shower goodies.
Can't wait to see pictures of the baby on your blog!

Kris said...
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Kris said...

PS Cassidy looked darling in her Sunday best!!
: )