Monday, January 26, 2009

Chef Cassidy!!!

On Saturday my Mom came over and baked brownies with Cassidy. I think it's Cassidy's favorite thing to do with her Bammie!! I didn't think to take pictures of the final product, but I will tell you they were the best brownies EVER!!!

Chef Cassidy!!!

A morning at the park

This morning my friend Ingela and her daughters came over to play at the park. For those of you who know me the park isn't my thing. I have a had a fear of parks for so many years. I don't think Cassidy would even know what a park is if it wasn't for her Bammie and Babysitter. But I'm trying really hard to overcome this fear for the sake of my children!!! As you can see in the pictures below Cassidy had a blast!! Tomorrow we are going to the BIG park!! I'm already nervous about it!!! Cassidy and Mia

This way Ma!!!



My hands!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Gavin's Belly Button

Posted by Bammie. . . 

Sarah and Zach noticed that Gavin's belly button was switching from an "innie" to an 'outie'.   Actually, it kind of looked like one of those things in a turkey that pops out when it's done.  When Gavin would get done eating, his belly button would stick out pretty darn far.  As the days went by, it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger!

Anyway, Sarah called the Doc yesterday and made an appointment for today (Friday).   The Doc didn't seemed to concerned -- Gavin has an umbilical hernia.  Not too uncommon in babies and will most likely grow out of it.  If it does become an issue as Gavin gets older, they'll have to do a small surgical procedure which is super simple.  

All in all, Gavin is a healthy baby -- He's now 10 # 3 oz!  I think Sarah is slipping him some 'cute pills'.  Every time I see him he seems to be a little bit cuter! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Photographer Cassidy!!

Cassidy got a hold of my camera the other night and went around the house saying "cheese".  Once she'd take the picture -- she'd say,  "I got it".   It was the cutest thing ever. Here are a few of her pictures.

Daddy feeding Gavin.

Our dog Sid.  She even got him centered in the picture.

Gavin not looking to thrilled to have his picture taken!

The other night Gavin finally gave me the chance to pump. He has been eating so much I haven't been able to pump anything. Zach was pretty excited to get the chance to finally feed Gavin. Of course Cassidy was right there to help him.  Such a good big sister!

A Day at the Zoo!!!

Through the turtle shell

And on the turtle shell!!

Checking out the monkeys

Cassidy's New Robe!!

Cassidy modeling the new robe that Aunt Cherie, Jake and Jenna got her for Christmas.  Pretty cute, huh? 

Monday, January 19, 2009

A post by Bammie!

Here are a couple of photos that Sarah has sent me over the last week or so from her Iphone.   I'm going to guilt her in to posting more! 

Cassidy's way of helping Mommy decorate? 
FYI. . . marker comes off of hardwood floor quite easily with WD40 -- Just in case you need to know!
Sarah had been having trouble getting Cassidy to take a bath.  
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.  Cassidy in Gavin's tub in the big tub.
Cassidy & Gavin on the play mat.