Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday afternoon with Mommy

This morning I loaded everyone in the car and headed to OC to take Cassidy to the Dr.  She'd been complaining that her ears hurt.  Since I'm headed back to work next week, I figured we'd better get Cassidy checked out.  For some reason, she loves going to the Dr's office. 

We got there and of course she's Miss Chatty Cassidy to the nurse.   She was such a big girl when Dr. Kramer came into the room.   The Dr. said both ears looked great although one of her ears had some earwax -- he got this tiny Qtip and proceeded to pull out this big 'ol glob of earwax! ( I know, Gross! ewwww!!)    Cassidy then said,  "My ear's all better, Ma".   She thanked the Dr. and away we went.  

I am amazed everyday at how big our girl is. 

This is our sweet boy Gavin just moments before he was head-butted by his sister, Cassidy.  
Everyone survived and all is good once again in the White house.   Note:  Cassidy is the ONLY one that can get Gavin to smile like this.  Don't you love it? 

Cassidy having a virtual tea party with her Bammie.   She was sure to tell me that the yellow cup was Bammie's and I was NOT to touch.  


Genn said...

Great picture of Gavin smiling! And I love Cassidy's shirt too. =)