Sunday, March 29, 2009

Terrible Two's

We have hit the terrible two's!! Cassidy loves to argue with me over what she wants to wear. She now wants to choose her outfit for the day -- which typically is a disaster. I have learned quickly to pick your battles. So on this day  -- can you tell who won??   Yes, this is how we left the house.  Cassidy in her Dora PJ top and a pair of shorts. Luckily we were only going to see her Daddy and Bammie at work.

I can't help but laugh everytime I look at this picture. She is so proud of herself!!


Genn said...

Sara that is so funny because just yesterday I was trying to get Hannah dressed and I pulled out a pair of jeans. She put her hand up to stop me and said NO NO JEANS! NO! I tried to make her wear them and it was a HUGE TANTRUM! So, what happened? No jeans. Sweat pants.

All her sweat pants are suddenly about and inch and a half too short, so yesterday I went to Old Navy to specifically get hannah some pants and capris that are not jeans.

Two year olds...

Sharon said...

You know I absolutely L O V E that this is happening to you! Now, you know that all of the photos of you as a toddler with mismatched clothes -- it really wasn't me, after all. It's great that you've learned early on to pick battles. It will make life much easier. Remember, as long as Cassidy's clean, her clothes are clean -- you're good to go! Love, Mom