Monday, March 9, 2009

A White House Update

Sorry posting has been so slow, but life is so, so busy. While Cassidy's playing with her playdough and Gavin's in the swing, I'll try and give you a quick update on our family.

Zach has been traveling every weekend. He just got back from Daytona where his team won again! His team is doing AWESOME. We are so proud of him!!

Our little man Gavin is going like a weed!! He gets cuter and cuter by the day. He is so in love with his sister. He can watch her all day and be so content. The best news of all is that Gavin has slept 11 hours straight the last 2 nights. Now I hope that I don't break the streak by talking about it.  Let me tell you -- Zach and I L O V E sleep!   We both actually woke up before the kids this morning.  I love it. 

Cassidy is talking so much you can actually carry on a conversation with her. She is so much fun. Potty training is coming along slowly but we have managed to get her to go potty on the toilet every morning!  We start the day out with good intentions and then things go crazy and potty training gets put on the back burner.  She will sometimes tell me she needs to potty, but it's a hit or miss. We will work harder on the potty training when it gets closer to summer. Cassidy is having a blast at the sitter's house playing with her friends (pictures below are taken at the sitter's house)

And as for me, I'm back at work and am actually really enjoying it.  I think being back at work and having responsibilities outside of our home make me a better mom and wife.   It's nice to have a few hours away from the kids and then to see their smiles when I pick them up -- well, there might not be anything better! 

So there you have it a quick update from the White house. I'll try to update more frequently now that I'm trying to get into a routine. 

Cassidy and her friends Tommy and Christian

Watch out Lo Lo!!! Cassidy is already practicing!!!


Sharon said...

Love the picture of Cassidy "playing" soccer. Lo will get a kick out of that. Cassidy looks very happy with her friends, Tommy and Christian.

Genn said...

Such cute pics Sara.

Sounds like you guys are in the same stage with the potty training as we are. We start the day out with the best intentions of doing potty training all day long, and then life happens. I am hoping as it gets warmer that Hannah will have it down.