Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mr Dimples!

Gavin is GROWING!  At his 2 month Dr. visit, he weighed in at over 13 #!!   Now that Gavin is on formula, he has wasted no time in catching up!  

Gavin has started to follow our voices, smile and coo -- I so love the 'cooing'.  Gavin is in love with his big sister Cassidy -and- Cassidy Jane is over the moon for her baby.   I thought by now she might be bored with him.  Absolutely not.  She loves playing with Gavin, helping feed and change him.  Most of all she loves to give him 'kissies'.  

Cassidy - Saturday February 28

The view from the backyard at 5:45 am

Gettin' ready to clean, clean, clean!

Riding on the Swiffer.

Playing in the dirt.  And, yes -- she HAD to sit in the dirt.
Blowing (or sucking) bubbles.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Random Photos

Here are a few random photos.  I promise to get some words down soon!

Cassidy love, love, loves to bake!   Here is a sample of her handiwork.  
"Crunchy Cupcakes" 
These were delivered to the race shop -- 
Cassidy calls the guys that work with Zach "my guys".

Our little man -- getting SO big.  
13 + pounds and only 2 months old.  YIKES!  
He's an eater -- that's for sure! 
I thought the Bumbo chair idea was a good one
 until Cassidy nearly pushed him off the table. 

Passed out.   
After a day of playing with Tommy (her daycare friend), 
Cassidy is D O N E!! 
Notice the "Pacy's" -- she's gotta have two when she falls asleep.  
I guess in case she loses one? 

New favorite photo of Gavin

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday afternoon with Mommy

This morning I loaded everyone in the car and headed to OC to take Cassidy to the Dr.  She'd been complaining that her ears hurt.  Since I'm headed back to work next week, I figured we'd better get Cassidy checked out.  For some reason, she loves going to the Dr's office. 

We got there and of course she's Miss Chatty Cassidy to the nurse.   She was such a big girl when Dr. Kramer came into the room.   The Dr. said both ears looked great although one of her ears had some earwax -- he got this tiny Qtip and proceeded to pull out this big 'ol glob of earwax! ( I know, Gross! ewwww!!)    Cassidy then said,  "My ear's all better, Ma".   She thanked the Dr. and away we went.  

I am amazed everyday at how big our girl is. 

This is our sweet boy Gavin just moments before he was head-butted by his sister, Cassidy.  
Everyone survived and all is good once again in the White house.   Note:  Cassidy is the ONLY one that can get Gavin to smile like this.  Don't you love it? 

Cassidy having a virtual tea party with her Bammie.   She was sure to tell me that the yellow cup was Bammie's and I was NOT to touch.  

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gavin and Mommy!!!

Gavin and Mommy had a little photo shoot!!! He is such a mommy's boy and I love it. He even enjoys listening to me sing and I know I sound worse then the American Idol rejects!!! That's true love!!
Check out that ear!!!!

He loves his Mama!!!



Sunday, February 8, 2009

Anaheim Supercross

Saturday was the last local race for Zach's race team.   It was a crazy day because of the rain -- no practice until very late in the day and then it was shortened.  Everything worked out great for the team though -- Zach's guys (Jake & Ryan) finished 1st & 2nd in their heat race and 1st & 2nd in the main event.   

After 5 races, Jake is first in points and Ryan is in third.  It's been a good season! 

Sweet girl Cassidy under the tent at Anaheim Supercross

Cassidy and her new friend, Aiden

"I'm driving, Mommy"

"Aiden, where do you want to go now?"

Dancing in the back of the race team's Mule (pit truck)

Dance, Dance, Dance

Self portrait

Cassidy & mommy being silly

Another Photo Session!!!

Photographer Cassidy was at it again, but this time she learned how to take self portraits!! She is getting pretty good?? What do you think?!?!?

Gavin at 71/2 weeks!!

So handsome!!

Oops!! I forget to flip it!!

Princess Cassidy and her phone!!

Cassidy's new morning routine is to call her Bammie to check in!! She holds a full conversation with my mom. It's the funniest thing ever.

Cassidy and I were bored the other day so I logged onto the Dora the Explorer website and we made princess Dora crowns!! Here is our end result!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cassidy and Gavin at 7 weeks

Here are pictures of Gavin and Cassidy both roughly 7 weeks old. I think they both look like Zach, with my nose. Although I think they are both pretty darn cute.


I'm mad at you!

One of Cassidy's newest sentences is, "I'm mad at you!".  Followed by sitting on the floor and pouting/fake crying.  It's actually pretty funny although I know I shouldn't let on that it is. 

Saturday night my mom stayed the night to help me with the kids while Zach was in San Fran.   
She would tell my mom, "I'm mad and you" and then pout.  Then a minute later she'd say, "I not mad at you" and smile. 

Miss Pouty Pants

Those lips!

Tea Party for Cassidy, Mommy & Bammie -- Lots of fun!

Our sweet man.  The photo's a little blurry but just love the 'smile'

Love that dimple

Gavin Update

I thought I would post some pictures of Gavin since my last few posts have been all Cassidy, and give you a little update. He has really started to fill out and weighs almost 11 pounds now. Gavin looks more and more like Zach each day. 

I had to start supplementing breast feedings with formula. I wasn't producing enough milk to satisfy Gavin --  which I'm a little sad about. It has actually worked out for the better because Zach and Cassidy can help with feedings AND he is sleeping longer, which is so nice. We finally got him on a schedule with only 1 feeding during the night. Woo Hoo!!

Zach and I are having so much fun watching Cassidy with Gavin. She is such a huge help and is so in love with him. She always has to be touching him and loves to give him kisses and hugs. We are so blessed!

Cassidy shared her glasses

Almost a smile

The Park!

I'm trying to get over my fear of parks so that my children will live a well adjusted childhood.  Last week, we went to the park -- TWICE!!! 

Our good friends Ingela, Mia and Ava joined us.  Actually,  I needed back up and encouragement and Ingela's a great friend!


Ingela going for the money shot with her fancy new camera!

My new favorite Cassidy photo

Ma, I wanna climb!

Happy Girl!